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Resultados de 1 a 7 de 7
  1. #1
    Membro Senior
    Membro desde
    Apr 2013

    Inspirado no iOS 14: Apple Music recebe nova versão para Android com mais mudanças na interface

    Veja como o novo visual do Apple Music vai ficar e baixe agora mesmo o APK atualizado para testar no seu celular.

    Clique aqui para ler a notícia completa.

  2. #2
    Membro Senior
    Membro desde
    Jan 2016
    Ficou bem bonito, espero que esteja mais fluido também

  3. #3
    Junior Member Maximus2's Avatar
    Membro desde
    Aug 2020
    tomara que não apresente lentidão e erros igual a versão de agora

  4. #4
    Junior Member Diego_Marcondes's Avatar
    Membro desde
    May 2017
    Ficou perfeito!

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Membro desde
    Jul 2015
    A Apple só podia ser mais rápida pra atualizar o Music no Android. Se for levar em conta as outras atualizações, essa só chega lá pra outubro

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Membro desde
    Sep 2020
    Gostei muito, ainda tem alguns bugs, mas nada comparado a antes. A maior mudança que já fizeram!

  7. #7
    Junior Member Simmy_Raj's Avatar
    Membro desde
    Sep 2020
    Astrology Wata specialist +2767093205 South Africa, Netherlands,Denmark,Austria, USA, Dubai, England, Australia, Canada etc
    Many people ask: What is Black Magic? It is defined as a belief in mystical practices, which attract perceived harmful forces. Many people believe in witchcraft. Sorcery helps you find the best and right solution to your life's troubles and problems. Everyone needs to find problem-solving solutions easily and quickly.
    However, I believe that one way to understand why I am promoting this is to fully explain it. Sorri is known to use arrogant powers for conceited and selfish purposes. Sorcery is a force for a person who has used them for a bad purpose, but we have used this power to help get that person out of trouble.
    Witchcraft is a kind of paranormal practice. Mantras, rituals and hexes can make some desired changes in the physical world. These types of mantras are also called dark spells. It is said that witchcraft can affect instances where one person tries to kill, injure or in other words harm another person. Most people envy a particular person. There is no way to do magic without affecting something or someone, somehow. This type of magic is usually performed when a person wants to kill, injure, or wish for their misfortune for personal interests without paying the penalty for harming others. Sorbet is commonly used for negative reasons.
    The best solution to deal with these situations can be an online attraction spell. It is a mantra that helps people to get the problems they want. The purpose of the mantra is to bring peace of mind to them, which is the most effective and effective way they can use it to solve their mental health problems and lead a peaceful life.
    It works best when targeting it for desired results. You have to believe in magic and with the right concentration, you can achieve the desired result. Online attraction helps attract the magic person.
    The Wata mantra helps in the following ways.
    This will change your thinking.
    This will control the mind of your family member.
    This will help you save your precious relationships.
    This will help cover all love matters.
    This will help you regain your lost love.
    It will control the mind of the person who wants it.
    Er relation.
    Wata mantra is the main weapon here
    Love proposal experts are becoming popular day by day due to the small favorite romantic wedding. The love Problem expert solves all the problems and problems that a person does in his love life. Love is a wonderful feeling that is not expressed in words. These are the feelings that every human can feel. This untold feeling comes in everyone's life. Some lucky people get the chance to live their whole life with their beloved without facing any trouble.
    We know that problems are part of life and we need to manage those problems carefully. Issues and issues sometimes figure in romantic relationships. Love Marriage Specialists can help you solve these problems. An understanding and mature couple can solve those problems easily. But there are some issues of ego in the relationship and in this way the decision to separate something between ego and anger is being done, which is not good. Love problems occur before and after marriage, but those problems need to be resolved in the first place.
    Love Marriage Specialists are one of the best methods of attraction and they can solve all problems easily. Whether or not this is a major problem, it can only be solved with the help of simple astrological measures. Wata is a method that has been used to solve problems since ancient times.
    Wata helps those who are afraid of losing their loved one. With attraction, you gain complete control over your loved one. This is the right way to make your life peaceful and loving. The Love Marriage Specialist helps to describe and influence the attraction in a good way. So you should not worry. Wata is a word meaning Moon.
    Note : We did help lots of people by giving them solution worldwide. Don't panic just contact now
    Dr Wata mamawata85@gmail.com
    Call or Whatsapp : +2767 00 932 05